
Bringing house plants into the home can warm up space, contributing to a natural, relaxing ambiance,
and they have several health benefits. Let’s explore why you should decorate with plants and how to do it.

Fixer Upper

I stumbled upon a reader question this week. She asked how to incorporate house plants into your home decor. This got me thinking, how do you effectively use them in your home, and why should you?

I have never introduced live house plants into my home. I have tried a time or two without success. At the time, I brushed it off as having a black thumb. However, her question peaked my curiosity, so I did a little research. Turns out, bringing house plants into the home can warm up a space, and add a relaxing, restful ambiance. In addition to those gains, they also have numerous health benefits. Let’s take a look at how we can integrate them into your decor and why you should add a few to your home.

Key points of post

  • How to incorporate house plants into your home decor.
  • Why you bring house plants in your home.
  • What are the five easiest house plants to keep alive?

How to decorate the home with house plants?

1.Use large plants to fill up a sparse room, or keep them small in a crowded room.

Country Living

2. Mix and Match.  Group different plants together in a cluster, and unify them with a cohesive pot color.

DIY Playbook

3. Fill your kitchen shelves with a touch of greenery to break up the space.

DIY Playbook

4.  Bring them into the bathroom.


4. Fill up a lonely corner.

Fixer Upper

5. Create a fresh herb garden in the kitchen.

Design Sheppard

5. Create a focal wall with live plants.


In addition to the decor tips above, you can plant your houseplants in pretty, hand-made pottery pots.  This will add an element of interest to any room.  Another way to add interest is to bring in fresh plants  with unique shaped leaves.  They can act as a piece of art for your space.  Now that we know how to add them into your home as decor, are you ready to learn where you should incorporate them to keep them happy and healthy?

Where should I place houseplants in my home?

Pay attention to the needs of your plants. Some plants will need more light than others. For example, house plants that need a medium amount of light, need to be placed near west or south-facing windows. Plants that do not require a lot of light, should be placed near north-facing windows. Finally, if your plants need a lot of light, place them directly in the windowsill of a south or west facing window.

In addition to light, you will also need to pay attention to humidity, to keep your houseplants happy. Many plants require some humidity to thrive, and certain areas of your home will be more humid than other areas. Pay special attention during the winter, homes with central heating tend to be drier in the winter, which can easily dry out your plants. It is recommended to keep a humidifier close by to keep them moist, or lightly mist them daily to keep them healthy.

Finally, take into consideration the temperature in your home. Try to find a location where the temperature will stay fairly constant throughout the day.

What are the health benefits of house plants?

Did you know that studies have found incorporating house plants into your home can help reduce stress, purify the air, and provide a relaxing restful ambiance?

According to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, gently touching and smelling plants have a positive effect on the mind, reducing physiological and psychological stress. Another study suggests that plants can create positive changes in the brain’s electrical activity, muscle tension, and heart activity. Not only have studies suggested that plants can reduce stress, but they also clean the air quality in our home. It also make you happy in house makeover.

The majority of houseplant air quality studies are based on a 1989 NASA study called the Clean Air Study. This study showed that plants absorb gases through their pore which facilitate photosynthesis. The study shows that houseplants can absorb many different gases in addition to carbon dioxide. It is the ability to absorb these harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that help purify the air. VOCs can be found in plastics, fabrics, pesticides, and formaldehyde. It has been found that some of the most effect houseplants for purifying the air include; Japanese royal ferns, spider plants, Boston ferns, purple waffle plants, etc. You can see the full list in this article by Live Science.

Pretty cool findings if you ask me. The health benefits alone have me trying to decide what plants I should bring into the home, and where I should put them. This leads me to the last bit of research I did, what are some of the easiest houseplants for beginners?

What are the five easiest houseplants to keep alive?


Succulents are easy to take care of, they don’t like full sun or full shade.  They prefer to be left in the partial sun.  You really do not have to worry about watering them often.  In fact, they only need water once a month.



This sounds like my kind of plant, it is very hardy. It can handle anything from full shade to full sun. Water it once every two weeks and it will be fine.


3.Spider Plant

Spider plants are happy with partial to full sun. They like to be hung, but don’t need to be hung near a window, and are happy with being watered every two weeks.



Philodendron is happiest in partial sun but can tolerate full sun. They only need to be watered once every week or two and will be fine a little longer without worry.


5. Snake Plant

The snake plant enjoys the partial sun and can be watered every two weeks. They tend to hold a lot of moisture in their leaves, which helps limit the amount of water they need.


Any of these five low-maintenance house plants sound like a good place to start if you are new to taking care of houseplants.

My research really has me interested in bringing a house plant into the home. I think I may start with something small like succulents, a spider plant or may try to grow a little fresh, herb garden in the kitchen. How do you feel about house plants in the home? How have you incorporated plants into your home decor and do you notice a difference in your home with them?

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Five simple reasons you should decorate your home with houseplants, and how to do it! Thanks for sharing.


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